Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Baby News!!!

Kris and I are very excited, happy, and nervous about our first baby. I am a little over 11 weeks pregnant! The cravings have already started and Kris has been wonderful about getting me anything I have wanted. I have not had any morning sickness as of yet. I keep knocking on wood. Kris is hoping for a boy, I am just hoping it's not TWINS. I don't think it is, but my mom likes to tease me. We will keep you posted!


Kristi said...

Hi Joann. This is Kristi Farr. I hope you don't mind, but I saw your link off of Amber's site and thought I would take a peek. Congratulations on your expectancy. Doesn't the twin thing skip a generation? Or is that just a myth. I was a twin, but my twin miscarried. My Grandma was a twin and she had another set of twin brothers as well. If skipping a generation is actually true, I figure that means that my kids possibly will have twins. Better them than me...hee hee hee. Feel free to visit my blog at

Good luck with the pregnancy! Kristi

Mikaela said...

Congratulations you guys! It was fun to see your new house and hang out. Thanks for having me over : )

Cami said...

This is exciting news...I think twins would be fun, you having twins that is! I would say if you going to blessed by having twins, the first go around would be the best. Better than getting them when you already have 2 or 3 little ones running around! Hope all stays well with the pregnancy, Congartulations!!

PeavoyMom said...

Congratulations you two! I am so excited for you! And hey, if anyone has to has twins, let it be you, right? You've got 'em figured out!

Jared and Amber said...

Congrats! We are all excited - for the TWINS, of course!